So I thought I havn't actually posted a recipe in a while and I couldn't decide what to make. After a fairly short time looking at my recipe books I decided to for a classic - The Crisp Butty (yes it needs capitals, no its not a sandwich)
First things first the ingredients! Alright so maybe not ingredients per say more components to the perfect crisp butty - as we know each crisp butty is unique to its maker. Anyway moving on - components for one of the best snacks in the world. First the bread - I use 2 slices of wholemeal bread, yes yes I know brown bread instead of white bread - each to their own please. Next up is the spread - the main of this is to provide the perfect cohesive layer between bread and crisp so you don't have to face the horror of horrors that is crisp loss. I use Vitalite mainly because I like it and its always in the fridge - if you want to use butter go ahead but I would suggest don't use too much otherwise you end up with a bread and butter butty with a few lost crisps lost in their.
Finally the most important part -
These must be proper crunchy crisps because a crispbutty is just not a crisp butty without substantial crisps supporting it. I use seasalt Kettle Crisps - expensive but worth it. So ok - bread, spread and crisps - do whatever you want as long as you end up with a butty your happy with thats all that matters. Next onto the tools you will need - a knife (for spreading and if your feeling posh cutting completed butty into as many pieces as you want) and a plate for transporting completed butty to wherever you want to eat it.
Excellent - still with me? Cool. Onto the spreading - again its a case of whatever makes you happy. I go for a comprehensively yet lightly covered 2 sided approach. In other words don't put too much Vitalite on but make sure that you do both sides of your bread and make sure that it goes all over the bread - including the corners - this annoys me so much when people don't spread to the corners! This means that when you put your crisps on they stick and you wont lose a single one.
Right so the stacking of the crisps onto the bread - guess what? Its another case of whatever makes you happy! I've gone for the "too many crisps but I just don't care I'll just stack them as high as humanly possibly and crush them back into the butty when I put the top on" approach. Its also really good to stack crisps like this instead of just doing one so that you don't different amounts of crisps with each mouthful (If you hadn't realised by now yes I do spend too much time thinking about recipes/cooking/food but I'm happy so I don't care)
So moving swiftly onto one of the most important parts on your journey towards snack nirvana - the application of the second slice of bread or as I like to call it - THE CRUSH!!! Ok so that was a lie I don't call it that but I may start doing so from now on. This is just a backup measure to support the Vitalite in making sure that your crisps stay on your butty and you don't lose any of the crunchy goodness. Right folks - if your impatient and havn't bothered with a plate your at the end of the blog - pick up your completed butty and enjoy one of if not the best snacks in the world. If however you want to transport your creation with you......
...stick it on a plate and your good to go.
If someone from Kettle or Vitalite read this I'm not nicking your names for my own benefit in any form whatsoever just saying they are essential parts to my version of crispy butty!
Thanks for reading guys!